Spatial Data Infrastructure: Codex

Implementing digital environmental licensing, ensuring full collection of projects, automating field inspections and real-time monitoring of risks and disasters - through the use of monitoring, remote sensing and geotechnologies - are examples that can transform public management.

Nowadays, technology can significantly simplify and benefit public agencies - reducing bureaucracy in internal processes and generating positive results for society, in addition to promoting sector modernization, time optimization, practicality and technical and legal security. العب واربح 

In this scenario, it is necessary to optimize processes through digital transformation, and at the same time align the public sectors in accordance with the country's legislation - and it is at this time that projects developed by Codex, such as SISDIA, IEDE-RS and IAT -IDE, for example, managed to modify the structures of public organizations, guaranteeing positive results, both for the sector, as well as for the legality processes and the environment.

Read on to learn more about Codex's role in the public sector!

Codex and SISDIA – District Environmental Information System

On April 29, 2021, the Federal District government, through the Environment Secretariat (SEMA-DF), held an online event to launch the District Environmental Information System (SISDIA) portal.

Coordinated by SEMA-DF, SISDIA establishes a development milestone for the Environmental Agenda of Brasília, capital of Brazil, from the qualification of the existing database, with the creation of a focused environmental spatial data infrastructure (IDE-A) in the processes of environmental regularization and in the acts of licensing, monitoring and inspection.

Codex was responsible for structuring SISDIA’s open data and for implementing the GIS web portal.

SISDIA is a work of connecting spatial data that allows the construction of bridges between: economic efficiency, social cohesion and ecological balance, placing sustainable development at the center of the conception of policies and decision-making processes in the Federal District.

In addition to being a platform that enables technical analysis in decision-making by more than 18 Federal District Government agencies, the system also has the following functions:

  • Gather information about water, air, soil, fauna and flora;
  • Consolidate environmental data generated by public and private authorities within the scope of authorization processes and make them available in an accessible way;
  • Incorporate relevant and validated environmental, socioeconomic, territorial data and information produced by higher education and research institutions and/or Federal Government agencies;
  • Promote efficiency and speed in environmental licensing, as well as effectiveness in monitoring, controlling and inspecting the territory, among others.

Much more than containing specialist modules, SISDIA is also composed of a repository of spatial and environmental data, and features such as the production of reports for managers and entrepreneurs.

If the user is looking, for example, for information on APPs (Permanent Preservation Areas), UCs (Conservation Units), zoning and urbanization plans, he can resort to a repository with information on geospatialized legal restrictions and/or permissions. بينجو العاب

Codex and IEDE-RS

Codex implemented the first version of the technological platform of the State Infrastructure for Spatial Data of Rio Grande do Sul, known as IEDE/RS.

IEDE-RS comprises a set of technologies, policies and standards that promote the storage, access, sharing, dissemination and use of geospatial data, within the scope of the state public administration. The work solved the adversities through an updated cartographic base and the association of integration, organization, standardization and availability of existing geospatial data actions – thus avoiding the duplication of acquisitions and the waste of public resources.

With the IEDE-RS, it is now possible to implement the economic and social development of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, based on the elaboration and execution of public policies aimed at modernizing the state’s public management.

The project combined technologies and digital strategies to provide the state’s geospatial data in an orderly manner, offering a new cartographic base of the Riograndense territory.

The project design is based on the technological solutions of the Esri platform, using applications such as the Web Appbuilder, StoryMaps and Dashboards, which provide transparency and visibility for all geographic information, for users and suppliers from different levels of government, academia and for the general public.

IDE of the State of Paraná

In addition to the previous projects, Codex also carried out the Implementation Project of the State Infrastructure for Spatial Data – IDE of the State of Paraná.

The aim of the project is to achieve a technological revolution, through Esri good practices for IT projects, data governance and certain standards of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure – INDE.

The expected benefits of the Paraná State IDE are:

  • Consolidated database for licensing, inspection and monitoring processes;
  • Better guarantee of ordering, storage, processing and updating of data;
  • Greater articulation between state bodies;
  • Optimization of human, material and financial resources.
To learn more about Codex cases, visit our website!


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